8 Second Challenge
The Bull ‑ held behind a gate, waiting to come out of the chute, a strap strategically placed around his flank to 'help' him buck just a little harder, a braided rope around his chest with a heavy bell dangling from it to fuel his temper and egg him on to even more bucking.
The Rider ‑ perched above the bull, waiting to lower himself into the chute, the braided rope from around the bull wrapped around his gloved hand, his boots adorned with spurs to use for 'extra style' points.
The Clowns ‑ positioned around the arena, waiting for the bull and the rider, red and blue outfits meant to distract the bull, clown antics meant to provide a measure of protection for the rider if bucked to the ground.
The Rules ‑ rider must stay on the bull for 8 seconds, cannot touch the bull, himself or his equipment with his free hand, maximum score 100 points, half based on the performance of the bull (speed, power, drop, kick, direction change, and body rolls) and half on that of the rider (control, body position, match of his moves to bulls moves).
Limited Edition 8 — 17"H x 9"W x 15"D — Pre-Cast $2400
Note: Customize with your own Patina or stick to the traditional french brown.